Response to Fear in the Muslim Tradition

This paper explores the role of fear in the Muslim tradition and the religious or historical sources to which Muslim can turn to in order to manage fear on both a communal and individual level. The paper begins with an analysis on the varied references to fear in the Quran and traditional Islamic scholarship and then focuses on the life of the Prophet Muhammad and the experiences of the early Muslim community in regards to moments of fear that they experienced and their response. For the full article by Hafsa Kanjwal in the Journal of Inter-Religious Dialogue, please click here.

This article was written for the “Managing Fear through Faith” conference, sponsored by Bradley Hills Presbyterian Church, U.S. in the World Initiative and the Rockefeller Brothers Fund and co-hosted byBethesda Jewish Congregation, Idara e Jaferia Mosque, the Journal of Inter-Religious Dialogue, the InterFaith Conference of Metropolitan Washington and the New America Foundation.