Good News Flash: Jesus Hates Obama (just kidding)

Perhaps you have seen the website, That’s right, the American free market, where business rules, and all is fair because, after all, business is business, has produced a website proclaiming the Good News that Jesus hates Obama™; proclaiming the Gospel that Jesus hates the President of the United States, Barack Obama.  In case you didn’t know.

But, to be fair this website begins with a jocular disclaimer in wacky Comic Sans MS font:

“Jesus hates OBAMA™.

Do we really believe that Jesus hates Obama? Of course not! However, we do believe in freedom… as in the freedom to make fun of the Obama Administration with novelty t-shirts. Check out our official Jesus Hates Obama™ collection today.

Our products may be a joke but so are the policies of this administration.”

What a stitch.

This website them proceeds to sell products (clothing hats and mugs) with the Jesus Hates Obama™ logo, which of course carry no such paltry disclaimer.

Some of the products bear the witty play on the children’s song Jesus Loves Me This I Know, with the logo “Jesus loves you… but hates Obama.”  Priceless (well, not actually priceless, most items are around 20-25 bucks).  Another design turns Obama’s name into a symbol of the devil by placing devilish horns on the “O” and a devilish tail on the final “A.”  You can even purchase “’Jesus Hates Obama’ & ‘Jesus Loves You … but hates Obama’ 16 oz. Patriot Beer Mugs.” Don’t forget they are “patriot” beer mugs.  Even the descriptions are in madcap Comic Sans MS font. How silly.

So, what can we say?  Is the tastelessness obvious enough to disqualify the need to comment?  Do we even need to ask what is the message and who is the audience?  I think we should.

It seems clear enough that the intended audience is Christians. Who else would care what Jesus thinks about anything?  And who is Jesus for Christians?  Jesus is “Lord and Savior,” the second person of the Trinitarian God, the Son of God, God incarnate—simply put, Jesus is God.   So, what does Jesus hates OBAMA™ mean?  It means “God hates Obama.”  And if God hates Obama, you sure as hell better hate Obama, too.  What kind of a godless, faithless wretch would you be if you subvert the will of God almighty?  Jesus did say, “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven”   Oh and don’t forget that God-hating Obama  is equated with patriotism, as we learn when we read about the Jesus Hates Obama™ Patriotic Beer Mugs. Because drinking beer in novelty mugs proclaiming the Gospel of God’s hate for the President is sheer tear-inducing-hand-over-heart-stand-up-hat-removing patriotism.  I think I just got a lump in my throat.  I better have another swig of beer.

What good can come from buying these items?  What good can come from wearing or drinking from these items?  I tend to doubt that the purchasers of these Jesus hates OBAMA™ novelty products are going around disclaiming the message of their purchase: “Do I really believe that Jesus hates Obama? Of course not!  You silly goose.  God only hates the devil.  By the way, did you notice my hat with the devilish Obama symbol?  Ha ha.  I didn’t mean that one either, you goofball.”

For close readers of the Christian Bible, it doesn’t take long to realize that there is a long history of divine approval of human violence against the enemies of God.  Flip through the Old Testament some day for a sampling (Joshua 10:28, etc.). Is Jesus hates OBAMA™  the kind of rhetoric that might seem to sanction violence against the President? Do I just need to lighten up and learn how to take a joke? And if it is a joke, someone please explain how it is fun or funny.  Or is this a symptom of our violence obsessed American culture?  What do you think?

Maybe it is obvious that I think we should repudiate (yup, it’s a real word, you can look it up if you want) and refute (yup, real word) this kind of rhetoric because it diminishes our humanity by  demonizing another human being.  Instead of tearing each other down with hateful language, let’s put our energies into building up the Communion of Love.

Oh, and let’s become a new creation together.

13 thoughts on “Good News Flash: Jesus Hates Obama (just kidding)”

  1. I’m guessing that the primary audience may not necessarily be Christians but rather people who want to make fun of Christians (or a certain kind of Christians).

    1. Interesting, Ben. So you think the site is mainly poking fun at the certain brand of Christianity– and that the President is not really the butt of the so-called jokes? I can honestly say that had not occurred to me.

  2. Paul–right on… I cringe when I consider how outspoken Christians claim that Jesus wouldn’t like Obama or his policies. If Jesus hates people who support taking care of the poor, marginalized, uninsured, and those who can’t help themselves, then I guess I’m reading a different Bible than the ones that the people who made this website are reading.

  3. But isn’t Obama the brown guy, who helps the poor and opposes wars and wants to give people free medical care? Oh no, that’s Jesus the Jewish guy. No it’s not, it’s Obama. Oh Jesus, they’re the same… kind of ironic really. Jesus according to the gospels is more like Obama. This insane case you describe is another regrettable example of internet freedom abused. Maybe it’s right wing anti liberal anti religious atheists but it’s certainly based on ignorance and in a culture of fear and hate, I’d say its liable to incite violence.

  4. Good message Paul.

    I know this is supposed to be a joke, but what kind of message does is send? It is especially in poor taste with the shooting last week, because that man probably thought something similar to what these shirts read. So yeah it is just a joke, but I think you answered what it really means.

  5. actually I think the joke should be: No, conservatives, Obama is not a brown-skinned, foreign-born, anti-rich, anti-war socialist who gives away free healthcare. You’re thinking of Jesus…

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