Managing Director’s Note: all Contributing Scholars begin writing by answering the following question as their first post: Why are you committed to building relationships with those from differe...Read More
The problem with trust, of course, is that it involves vulnerability. By trusting, we risk getting hurt. Yet I have come to realise that failing to trust risks far more harm. I live in the hustle and ...Read More
In 1966, Commentary Magazine published a symposium of thirty-eight Jewish leaders’ thoughts, entitled The Condition of Jewish Belief. They were each asked to answer five questions, weaving togethe...Read More
In 2007 P. T. Anderson released a film many people considered to a masterpiece. The theme of the film can be best summarized by its tagline, "When Ambition Meets Faith... There Will be Blood." This we...Read More
In a world that bombards us with information from every side, it can be surprisingly difficult to find truth. This past weekend many Jews celebrated Shavuot, the holiday commemorating God giving th...Read More
In Hebrew, the words for face, “panim,” and internal, “pnim,” comes from the same root and has the same exact letters פנים. This is precious poetry in one word, singing in ...Read More