I am on the planning committee of the International Political Camp at Agape Centro Ecumenico in the Italian Alps. Because I am always at a loss to describe exactly what Agape is to the uninitiated—a...Read More
I started bicycle commuting for my health. I quickly realized that biking around in the city of Boston is a huge threat to my health. I live in the quaint flowery suburb of Jamaica Plain. I bike to my...Read More
For the last several years, my work as an interfaith activist has been largely defined by a single question: “Wait — you do interfaith work, and you’re an atheist?!” That quest...Read More
These last few weeks, I’ve gotten a lot of questions about my newest tattoo — a portrait of Abraham Lincoln on my right shoulder. “Why Abraham Lincoln? Is it because there are rumors...Read More
How are believers living in a postmodern world to make sense of premodern Scriptures? Are the caustic culture wars the inevitable outcome of belief systems, or is there a way that people with differen...Read More
My friend Jen is a rabbinical student. Her rabbinical school advises students not to shout their future vocation from the rooftops in delicate settings, such as airplanes, thanks to the unfortunate re...Read More
\”Book of John\” by Jenn Lindsay (YouTube link) Your book of John, it feels so wrong Each verse I read is damning me I try to find my way inside But it’s not my answer and anyone who say...Read More
Stop labelling me! I am far too suspicious and skeptical to be an ‘ATHEIST’. I am not Australian but I have two passports, New Zealand and United Kingdom. I’ve never believed in gods or reli...Read More
I am sitting in Oregon, adoring the all-too-brief bouts of sunshine interrupting the more extended periods of drizzle. The sky is clouded, as it apparently often is in this part of the world, and for ...Read More