Dialogue in the United States

dialogue-ii Here is an alphabetical list of inter-religious organizations in each state or territory, with a an excerpt from each of their websites. If you would like to suggest additional organizations to include on this page, please contact us. We credit the Journal of Inter-Religious Dialogue for initially compiling these resources.


The Alabama Faith Council exists so leaders and members of communities of faith may consult with each other, draw on one another’s faith and wisdom, and seek the best actions possible for the people of Alabama, especially those whose needs are the greatest and those whose resources in life are the least.

The Interfaith Alliance of Alabama is located in Pelham. A Summit on Civility, featuring C. Welton Gaddy, Executive Director of The Interfaith Alliance, and six other religious leaders from different faiths took place at Samford University in Birmingham on September 21, 1999. The group has since consistently challenged the misuse of sacred texts in public places. Most recently, they held a public forum and engaged local politicians in a productive debate on the subject through the media.


Anchorage Faith and Action: Congregations Act Together (AFACT) was created in 2003 by eight congregations to organize, empower, and mobilize local faith communities to address quality of life issues affecting their community.

The Interfaith Council of Anchorage is composed of diverse faith communities whose mission is to respond to human need through cooperative effort, dialogue and education.


The Arizona Interfaith Movement: “Our mission is to build bridges of understanding, respect, and support among diverse people of faith through education, dialogue, service, and the implementation of the Golden Rule.

The Arizona Interfaith Network builds relational power for collective actions in the pursuit of justice and the common good. We act to strengthen family and community in solidarity with others across lines of race, class and religion.=

The Interfaith Alliance of Tucson is the local affiliate of the Interfaith Alliance.

Interfaith Community Services: We share a common belief that our diverse faiths call us to serve those in need. We are enriched through the diversity of beliefs of our volunteers and recipients. Our services and volunteer opportunities are open and welcoming to all regardless of faith tradition. We remain true to our founding value of helping those in need with “Love, Cooperation and Service.”


Arkansas Interfaith Conference choir camp details and contact information are listed here.


The Berkeley Area Interfaith Council hosts a variety of programs and conferences on dialogue and inter-religious harmony.

California Faith for Equality coalition helps faith leaders and communities, some of whom may not have the support of their denominational bodies, to become effectively engaged in the struggle for equality, while also helping secular LGBT leadership connect with these faith communities.

The Chaplaincy Institute The ChI community is inspired by an interfaith perspective of mutual respect and harmonious living among people of all faith traditions. We celebrate and support, as an intrinsic human right, the dignity and unique spiritual path of each individual.

Common Ground Corona: Where people learn spiritual practices to support them in working with the complex possibilities of today’s world.

The Ecumenical Peace Institute began during the war against Vietnam with counter-recruitment actions by clergy and lay people at the Oakland Armed Forces Induction Center. We have remained explicitly multiracial, interfaith, and activist. We have continued to play a key role in many struggles by bringing in the religious left.

Faith in Action provides non-acute, non-medical support services to the medically vulnerable by matching them with trained volunteers or by linking them to other resources.

Greater Long Beach Interfaith Community Organization is an interfaith coalition of Long Beach-area congregations united in pursuit of social justice for all residents of our community.

Greater Richmond Interfaith Program is an interfaith, multi-racial coalition with 40 member congregations from a variety of faith traditions – Catholics, Protestants, Jews, Muslims, Sikh, Buddhist – working together to address critical issues of human dignity and social justice.

The Interfaith Alliance of Central California is actively promoting the positive role of religion in American life.

Interfaith Communities United for Peace and Justice was founded in Los Angeles after 9.11 to support the work of Faith leaders from Buddhist, Christian, Islamic, Jewish and other spiritual faiths and traditions who say “Religious Communities Must Stop Blessing War and Violence…”

Interfaith Community Services offers 13 programs throughout North San Diego County, from the coastal City of Oceanside to inland communities south and east of our Escondido headquarters. With more than 3,200 volunteers in direct service, more than 300 member faith centers, and 100 professional staff, Interfaith served 28,000 unique persons with a variety of services just last year. Our staff and volunteers reflect the cultural diversity of each community where we offer programs.

The Interfaith Initiative of Santa Barbara is to promote understanding, respect, and cooperative activities among major faith traditions in our community.

Interfaith Service Bureau exists to encourage and celebrate understanding, acceptance, and cooperation among all people of faith and to serve human need.

The Interfaith Shelter Network is a 20 year old collaborative of religious, social service, and government entities arrayed to help homeless members of the San Diego family.

The Interfaith Youth Alliance aims at enriching the lives of youth through civic participating, promoting interfaith understanding and dialogue, and celebrating diversity… IFYA empowers high school and college students to become informed and engaged citizens in our religiously diverse nation.

Jericho engages the interfaith community throughout California in shaping state public policy that affects individuals and families living in poverty. Jericho lifts up the connection between religious tradition and justice and mobilizes its nonpartisan membership to act.

Jewish-Palestinian Living Room Dialogue Group is comprised of 30 Jews, Palestinians and supportive others dedicated to meeting monthly in each other’s living rooms, hearing one another’s stories, practicing compassionate listening, and envisioning our shared future. In Dialogue, we seek to promote a model for healing, creativity, and cooperation for Palestinians and Jews in Israel and Palestine, and for other peoples worldwide.

Newport-Mesa-Irvine Interfaith Council: We seek to provide religious, moral and ethical leadership by bringing together religious communities for the common good.

The mission of the Orange Coast Interfaith Shelter is to change the lives of homeless families by providing them with the encouragement and tools for achieving self-sufficiency.

Orange County Interfaith Coalition for the Environment (OCICE) educates, raises awareness and empowers people to actively protect and preserve creation through responsible stewardship.

The Orange County Interfaith Network (OCIN) is a coalition of interfaith organizations and associations whose goal is to encourage mutual respect, communication and cooperation among the various faith communities in Orange County.

Pacific & Asian American Center for Theology and Strategies (PACTS) is an ecumenical and interfaith network that seeks to promote dialogue around and development of Pacific and Asian American religious reflection and societal action. We promote the training of professional and lay leaders to connect their ministries to issues of community, culture, and justice.

Peninsula Interfaith Action has grown from fifteen to thirty congregations, representing 19,000 households from Mountain View to Daly City. With PIA training and support, congregation volunteers work to improve the quality of life for families and individuals throughout the San Francisco Peninsula.

Poway Interfaith Council: “Consort with the followers of all religions in a spirit of friendliness and fellowship.”

The Presidio Interfaith Center: Never has the need for healthy cross-culture relationships been greater. The Interfaith Center at the Presidio has an historic commitment to healing and peacemaking within, between, and among religious and spiritual traditions. The Center’s mission is to welcome, serve, and celebrate the diverse faith traditions and spiritual wisdom of the Bay Area.

The Regeneration Project is an interfaith ministry devoted to deepening the connection between ecology and faith. Our goal is to help people of faith recognize and fulfill their responsibility for the stewardship of creation.

San Fernando Valley Interfaith Council (VIC), established in 1964 is the only interfaith social service agency in the San Fernando Valley whose mission is to: Unite people of conscience in interfaith action to build bridges of understanding, service and justice.

The Spiritual and Religious Alliance for Hope, known as SARAH, is composed of interfaith women committed to making a difference in our communities. We recognize that collaboration is essential to creating miracles and, like a good parent empowers her children, we empower our communities to make a real difference towards peace and understanding.

The Southern California Interfaith Network (SCIN) is an emerging new initiative, designed to support communication and understanding among faith and interfaith groups in the Southern California area, and to connect interfaith work in our region to what is going on nationally and internationally. Our network is developing following a recent regional interfaith retreat, sponsored jointly by the United Religions Initiative (URI) and the Council for a Parliament of the World’s Religions (CPWR). We are expecting to expand our outreach and vision to include the entire Southland.

It is the Mission of the Southern Coast Interfaith Council to promote mutual understanding, respect, appreciation and cooperation among people of faith in the Greater South Bay-Harbor-Long Beach-West Orange County area through extending hospitality, offering educational opportunities, providing moral leadership, sharing in service and working for justice.


The Interfaith Alliance of Colorado was founded in 1998 by clergy and laity who were searching for a way to give voice to Coloradans who wanted to put their faith into action as a force for good in public life.
Starting with simple programming designed to meet the basic human needs of food, clothing and shelter, Interfaith Community

Services has grown into the largest emergency and continual support systems in South Metro Denver for low-income families, children and seniors.

The mission of the Interfaith Hospitality Network (IHN) is to give hope to homeless families with children. IHN realizes its mission by providing transitional shelter and supportive services to homeless families and those at immediate risk to experience homelessness.


Interreligous Eco-Justice Network aims to engage people from diverse faith traditions in prayer, dialogue, education, advocacy and celebration of the sacredness of creation.

Interfaith Council of Southwestern Connecticut which covers a range of faiths and congregations in Greenwich, Stamford, Darien, New Canaan, and Norwalk, has adopted a new vision. We are moving away from the administration of social programs and toward additional interfaith programs. We have refocused our energies solely on an interfaith mission to help people not only know who their neighbors are, but to develop relationships among people, thus changing how we interface with one another and our world.


Founded in 1968, the Interfaith Resource Center is a multimedia library dedicated to providing ministry support to regional faith communities.

Interfaith Coalition Building Blocks of Wilmington has been evolving a comprehensive set of strategies to develop and sustain a caring community of integrated individuals and institutions to reduce violence, restore hope, and instill a more holistic and spirit lifting approach to addressing concerns and opportunities in our neighborhoods and communities.

District of Columbia

Created in 1978, the Interfaith Conference of Metropolitan Washington (IFC) brings together eleven historic faith communities to promote dialogue, understanding and a sense of community among persons of diverse faiths and to work cooperatively for social and economic justice in metropolitan Washington.

Washington Interfaith Network is a multi-ethnic, interfaith, non-partisan politically active grassroots organization, consisting of more than 45 dues-paying member congregations, schools, union locals and other entities working to improve life in the District of Columbia for all residents.


Florida Interfaith Networking in Disaster is a coalition of faith-based organizations, partnered with allied agencies and each other, which promotes networking to prepare Florida’s communities for the effects of disaster, and in the aftermath, facilitates spiritual and long-term practical aid.


InterFaith Cultural Organization of Athens is a non-profit, multi-cultural, faith based organization, whose purposes are spiritual and educational.


Idaho Interfaith Roundtable Against Hunger seeks to explore the complexities of hunger by engaging diverse communities of faith and goodwill throughout the state in developing solutions to the root causes of hunger through education and public policy and by supporting providers of direct hunger relief.

Interfaith Alliance Hawaii was incorporated in 2003 as a chapter of the national The Interfaith Alliance, receiving its IRS determination in March 2005. It is a direct outgrowth of The Bridges for Justice and Compassion, the legislative and human needs committee of the Hawai‘i Council of Churches (HCC).


Interfaith Alliance of Idaho collaborates with progressive organizations, people of faith and goodwill, and people of conscience to develop and implement a strategy to rebuild the progressive movement and democracy at the local and state level.


Interfaith House provides a healing environment and resources to help ill and injured homeless adults restore their health, rebuild their lives and regain self sufficiency.

For over 25 years, Interfaith Refugee and Immigration Minstries (IRIM) has provided a helping hand to Chicago’s newcomers, giving them a chance at renewed hopes and dreams.

Interfaith Worker Justice is a network of people of faith that calls upon our religious values in order to educate, organize, and mobilize the religious community in the United States on issues and campaigns that will improve wages, benefits, and conditions for workers, and give voice to workers, especially workers in low-wage jobs.


Interfaith Community Council partners with the faith-based community to best utilize the diverse resources of the whole community to provide a vast array of excellent services and opportunities, promote social justice and enhance community development.


Interfaith Alliance of Iowa promotes the proper role of religion in politics and public life and believes it is imperative in a healthy democracy that respect be shown for the religious freedom and beliefs of every person.

Iowa Dialog Center is a non-profit organization whose main objective is to help bring together different communities in order to promote compassion, cooperation and partnership through intercultural interaction, interfaith dialog and conversation.


Inter-Faith Ministries facilitates interreligious dialogue and provides social services in Wichita, Kansas. Inter-Faith Ministries has over 123 years of experience in bringing diverse faith-based congregations together in a unified effort to serve the community.


Center for Interfaith Relations utilizes dynamic and engaging programs to promote interfaith understanding and cooperation. The annual Festival of Faiths brings big-name speakers to Louisville to discuss issues of faith, such as Steven Prothero, author of American Jesus: How the Son of God Became a National Icon.

Interfaith Hospitality Network provides shelter to two-parent families and single parents with children under 18 while keeping the entire family together.

Since the spring of 1996, Interfaith Paths to Peace has been working to support peace, human rights, and justice through interfaith dialogue.

The Interfaith Relations Office of the Presbyterian Church seeks to support those in the church who are interested in, concerned about or engaged in building interfaith relationships.


Louisiana Interfaith Disaster Relief Network is continuing to coordinate with area faith communities as we begin to look at the long term recovery needs of the affected areas in Louisiana.

PICO Louisiana Interfaith Together’s mission is to provide families and religious congregations in Louisiana with a voice in the decisions that shape their lives and communities.


Interfaith Maine is a non-profit organization dedicated to “seeking peace and justice through deepening interfaith relationships and understanding.”

Maine Interfaith Youth Alliance seeks to promote encourage and support engagement between youth from all faith backgrounds, individually and through their various communities.


Interfaith Fairness Coalition is a coalition of individuals and associations drawn from many religious persuasions that support progressive initiatives and agendas.

Baltimore Interfaith Hospitality Network is a unique response to the needs of homeless families, providing shelter, meals and support through united communities of faith. BIHN is one of over 100 networks across the country affiliated with Family Promise, a national nonprofit with 20 years of experience in community-based homeless services.

Interfaith Works is a non-sectarian interfaith coalition of more than 140 member and affiliated congregations representing over 65,000 families of many faiths, working together to meet the needs of the poor in Montgomery County, Maryland.


Greater Boston Interfaith Organization is a broad-based organization which works to coalesce, train, and organize the communities of Greater Boston across all religious, racial, ethnic, class and neighborhood lines for the public good.

Interfaith Walk for Climate Rescue: A moral call for swift, bold, and comprehensive political action to address global warming.


Interfaith Council for Peace and Justice empowers people of faith and people of conscience in the Washtenaw County/Ann Arbor, Michigan area to act on their moral and religious values to build a better world.

Michigan Interfaith Trust Fund works to foster social and economic justice to reduce, and someday even close, that divide. We believe that, by right, everyone should have a decent and affordable home.

Metropolitan Organizing Strategy Enabling Strength is organized to build an interfaith, multiracial, congregation-centered community organization that will address issues of concern to community residents and members of member congregations through a process of relationship building, training and leadership development, and direct action.


The Minnesota Council of Churches (MCC) is an ecumenical body representing Protestant denominational judicatories in Minnesota. MCC also builds bridges with Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Ojibwe, Lakota, and other traditions.

Located in St. Cloud, The Center for Interfaith Encounter (CIE) is an interfaith dialogue group. One of its most in-depth and frequent programs has been the Sacred Texts of World Faiths Series, in which members of various world faiths present some of their most important and accessible texts.

The Jay Phillips Center for Jewish-Christian Learning is located at a Catholic university in the heart of St. Paul, and exists in partnership with the Jewish Studies Chair of a Catholic university in St. Cloud. Their Bibliodrama program adapts the Jewish tradition of midrash as a dialogue technique for a Jewish-Christian interfaith audience.

The Joint Religious Legislative Coalition (JRLC) creates interfaith policy statements regarding social justice issues. These statements are sent to the governing boards of official Catholic, Protestant, Jewish and Muslim umbrella groups for approval, and are then used to lobby the Minnesota legislature.

Dedicated to education about the world’s faiths within the unique context of the Mall of America, the Mall Area Religious Council (MARC)
has representatives of the Christian, Baha’i, Buddhist, Eckankar, Muslim, Jewish, and Unitarian Universalist traditions. MARC’s theme is “One World Many Faiths.”

The Minnesota Interfaith Darfur Coalition was created by a collaboration of local synagogues, churches, and human rights and social justice organizations to help end the genocide in the Darfur region of Sudan.

Religious leaders, community members and low income housing developers founded Metropolitan Interfaith Council on Affordable Housing (MICAH) in 1988 in response to the accelerating homeless crisis. Through MICAH, more than 150 congregations from Jewish, Christian and Muslim faith traditions organize for justice in housing.

People who come to Interfaith Outreach and Community Partners (IOCP) are often in crisis. IOCP programs provide direct assistance and connect people with life-changing opportunities and resources.


The purpose of The Interfaith Alliance of Mississippi is to promote the positive and healing role of religion in public life through encouraging civic participation, facilitating community activism, and challenging religious political extremism.


Interfaith Federation of Greater Baton Rouge is comprised of interdependent faith communities rooted in diverse traditions and united for the benefit of our community.


Faith Beyond Walls creates opportunities for faith communities to have a meaningful, measurable impact on the quality of life in our region. The organization receives core operating support from the Danforth Foundation.


Interfaith Partnership of Metropolitan St. Louis promotes peace, respect, and understanding among people of all faiths. We achieve our mission through dialogue, education, social advocacy and service programs that are uniquely interfaith.



Project Interfaith, a non-profit based in Omaha, Nebraska, grows understanding, respect and relationships among people of all faiths, beliefs and cultures through a variety of face-to-face and online programs and resources. Visit projectinterfaith.org, “Like” us on Facebook, or follow @projectintrf8th on Twitter.

Tri-Faith Initiative is a partnership of the three Abrahamic faith groups — Judaism, Christianity, and Islam — in Omaha, Nebraska. Temple Israel, The Episcopal Diocese of Nebraska, and the American Institute of Islamic Studies and Culture have come together, planning to build a joint campus which will house a mosque, a temple and a church plus a shared facility on a large campus.


The Interfaith Council of Southern Nevada promotes activities that encourage understanding and respect among all people, all traditions, all cultures, all philosophies, and all communities. We encourage your interest and involvement as we improve the quality of life and sense of community here in Southern Nevada.

New Hampshire

New Jersey

Newark Interfaith Coalition for Hope and Peace mobilizes religious organizations and leaders to join those already in action against violence, addiction, poverty and neglect affecting young people in the city of Newark.

Interfaith Dialog Center endeavors to promote respect and mutual understanding among all faiths and cultures through partnership with other religious and interreligious organizations by organizing educational and cultural activities such as lectures, seminars, conferences, discussion panels, luncheons and trips to Turkey.

New Mexico

New York

Faith House Manhattan‘s Living Room Gatherings create a safe space where inter-religious communities and individuals can bless one another; where we can taste or experience another person or community’s loving relationship with the divine as manifest in their ritual life and devotional space; where we can learn about our own tradition through the eyes of “the other”; and where new friendships can begin and thrive.

Interfaith Center of New York seeks to make New York City and the world safe for religious difference by increasing respect and mutual understanding among people of different faith, ethnic, and cultural traditions and by fostering cooperation among religious communities and civic organizations to solve common social problems.

The Dialogue Project has been creating personal and community connections through dialogue since 2001. Participants are regular folks from every walk of life, a restaurant owner, student, social worker, clerk, teacher, and grandfather. Our board and program planning committees are comprised of a variety of local organizations and individual dialoguers representing a range of communities that are new to the dialogue process.

North Carolina

The Triangle Interfaith Alliance is a coalition of people of diverse faith promoting harmony, trust, respect, and understanding in Durham, Orange, and Wake Counties.

North Dakota

Democracy Services Group offers tools for building supplemental service structures for productive democratic cultures in the United States and other nations and assistance to leaders for the implementation of these services. [One] solution is establishing and continuing forums and procedural structures for inter-religious dialogue.


The Interfaith Association of Central Ohio (IACO) represents people of different faiths promoting religious understanding, tolerance, and freedom.


The Institute of Interfaith Dialog is a non-profit organization whose primary goal is to help bring together the communities in order to promote compassion, cooperation, partnership and community service through interfaith dialog and conversation. The IID is dedicated to encouraging the study of the global communities’ spiritual traditions from the vantage point of respect, accuracy, and appreciation.


The Interfaith Spiritual Center is a group of spiritual directors who welcome and support people of all faith traditions on a spiritual journey. They are interfaith in who they are and who they serve.

Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon is a statewide association of Christian denominations (including Protestant, Roman Catholic and Orthodox bodies), congregations, ecumenical organizations and interfaith partners. Through community ministry, public policy advocacy, theological education and dialogue and environmental ministry, EMO participates in the collective task of building a just and compassionate world for all people. We invite you to participate in this collaborative effort to create a world of possibility for all God’s people in Oregon and beyond.


The Interfaith Volunteer Caregivers recruits volunteers from the community at large and through its network of 50 diverse religious congregations throughout Allegheny County. Volunteers provide critical in-home, non-medical services that assist frail seniors with the tasks of daily living. IVC recruits, trains, mobilizes and supports these volunteers and enables frail older adults to remain independent in their own homes.

Interfaith Works is a non-profit organization that partners with religious organizations to do good works by integrating environmental stewardship with community outreach.

The Institute for Ecumenical and Interreligious Dialogue. Three interrelated objectives mark the Institute’s work. An academic objective seeks to educate concerning the history, theology and current developments of ecumenical and interreligious movements. A professional objective seeks to equip professional leaders in congregations to minister in challenging, multi-religious,multi-denominational contexts. The third objective –dialogue–encourages and facilitates conversation and communication among persons of different traditions in order to promote understanding.

The Dialogue Institute leads and sustains a movement of interreligious and intercultural dialogue within an academic setting, on a global scale. It draws its energy from intellectual inquiry, critical thinking and open exchange, enjoying its unique position on the urban campus of a secular public university.

Puerto Rico

Rhode Island

The Interfaith Counseling Center is a Rhode Island based, non-profit 501 c 3 organization, established in 1973 and dedicated to the concept of mental health counseling that is sensitive to the spiritual, faith and meaning questions which lie at the heart of modern living.

The Rhode Island State Council of Churches convenes regular meetings of the state’s interfaith leaders. This group works to promote understanding and dialog among all of the state’s religious groups and has organized interfaith services for the community in times of disaster or as a witness to peace and justice

South Carolina

Interfaith Community Services of South Carolina, Inc., unites people in need of help with people who can help. We become the common ground for organizations that have and families who have not, by providing training and technical assistance, engaging religious organizations, government, business and community-based groups as agencies as active partners, and actively participating in state and local councils and committees.

The South Coast Interfaith Council’s mission to promote mutual understanding, respect, appreciation and cooperation among people of faith in the Greater South Bay-Harbor-Long Beach-West Orange County area through extending hospitality, offering educational opportunities, providing moral leadership, sharing in service and working for justice.

South Dakota

The South Dakota Peace and Justice Center is a nonprofit, interfaith grassroots membership network of individuals, institutions, and congregations. They cross denominational lines to work together from a foundation of shared values imparted to us through our spiritual traditions. Since 1980, the South Dakota Peace & Justice Center has worked to apply those values to social structures through education and action.


The East Tennessee Interfaith Alliance Meetup works to promote the positive, healing role of faith in civic life, and challenge intolerance and extremism.


The Institute of Interfaith Dialog is a non-profit organization whose primary goal is to help bring together the communities in order to promote compassion, cooperation, partnership and community service through interfaith dialog and conversation. The IID is dedicated to encouraging the study of the global communities’ spiritual traditions from the vantage point of respect, accuracy, and appreciation.


The Utah Valley Interfaith Organization works to bring together congregations and groups to promote religious tolerance.

Utah Interfaith Resources is an on-line compendium of interfaith events, organizations, and resources.


Vermont Interfaith Action works to, among other things, build relationships among congregation and community members and identifying issues by conducting one-to-one conversations, while working to transform people and communities.


The Virginia Interfaith Center for Public Policy is Virginia’s oldest faith-based advocacy group. We’re a nonpartisan coalition of faith communities working to create change through advancing progressive public policy. We engage people of faith, and educate the public about social issues, the legislative process and the call to advocacy.


The Interfaith Council of Washington seeks to support and promote interfaith cooperation, understanding, social interaction through education, service and celebration.

West Virginia


The Greater Madison Interreligious Association works to foster the goal of different religious faiths living together harmoniously.


The Wyoming Valley Interfaith Council seeks to educate the public on social and community issues, to enhance the life of the community, and to recognize deserving individuals.

Additional Resources:

Religions for Peace’s Collegiate Interfaith Directory provides information on inter-religious groups on college campuses around the United States.

The Pluralism Project at Harvard University provides a valuable listing of inter-religious groups on its Interfaith Directory.We are grateful to the Pluralism Project, whose website the Journal of Inter-Religious Dialogue relied upon to help compile our list of online resources.

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