At the risk of stating the obvious, it has occurred to me that some of us leading our own little interfaith efforts actually have no idea what it is we’re doing or what it is we’re hoping to accom...Read More
In 2007 P. T. Anderson released a film many people considered to a masterpiece. The theme of the film can be best summarized by its tagline, "When Ambition Meets Faith... There Will be Blood." This we...Read More
Eleven years have now passed since the illusion of peace and tranquility was shattered on another clear, blue, Tuesday morning, eleven years in which we’ve stubbornly refused as a nation to learn th...Read More
We will read many perspectives over the next few days about how to honor the 11th anniversary of the September 11th attacks on US soil, and we would do well to read them. Some will call us to unity. O...Read More
Digambara means “sky clad;” that is, digambara monks wear the air. They go naked. They have no possessions at all—their very bodies are expressions of non-attachment to this material world. We...Read More
Multifaith engagement at YDS goes well beyond official commitments and guidelines, however, touching the day-to-day fabric of life at the Divinity School, where Christian students may sit side-by-side...Read More
It’s 10:40 PM when I arrive in Delhi. With a classmate from Toronto, we met two staff from the program, who put us in a pre-paid cab. Shades of tap-taps in Haiti; “lanes” on the high...Read More
Last weekend, I had the unenviable task of teaching Sikh children about the massacre in Oak Creek. The kids sat at picnic tables overlooking a lake at sunset at a summer camp in New York State. They c...Read More
We are nearly halfway through the month of Elul, the final month of the Jewish year. With Elul’s arrival, we usher in a period of personal introspection, repentance and spiritual renewal, which take...Read More
Even the simple, often taken for granted and hurried act of consuming food is subject to measured reflection and meditative awareness in a communal setting. At mealtime, blessings are given before and...Read More