Authored by Sydney Little Atlanta is a city where residents seek to separate themselves from the rest of the state. As a college student in Atlanta whose hometown is just a short drive away from the c...Read More
Poem and Reflection by Brianna Moffitt There always seems to be a conflict between my insides and outsides The dramatic juxtaposition of vibrating with anxious energy, and the smooth calm of the s...Read More
I have traveled to more than 40 countries with children from different religions, cultures and socio-economic backgrounds. One thing I have learned is that youth from all backgrounds are looking for t...Read More
When looking at my resume, I often think, “Dang. I have no idea what I’m doing with my life. All of my experiences are seemingly arbitrary and have no connection to one another.” My subsequent t...Read More
When I researched the etymology of the word “interfaith,” I found that its two components, “inter” and “faith,” have roots that stretch back thousands of years. “Inter” has roots in La...Read More
My introduction to the world of interfaith work was more of an accident than anything. On a whim, I decided to get involved with religious life during my first few weeks of college. I hadn’t ever he...Read More
Even though I grew up in an interreligious family, “interfaith” was not a term I was familiar with. I was raised Catholic, attending catechism throughout my childhood until I was eventually confir...Read More
When reflecting back on how the Boston Interfaith Leadership Initiative (BILI) has changed my definition of the word interfaith, I think about my personal evolution with the definition of tolerance.&n...Read More
What do the phrases “conservative Mormon” and “queer progressive interfaith dialogue” have in common? Me. The former is what I was raised as and the latter has been slowly adde...Read More
Over and over during my time as a Boston Interfaith Leadership Initiative (BILI) fellow, I found myself asking the question: What is the point of interfaith work? I was not asking out of frustration o...Read More