By now, I’ve been seeing more than enough about the “controversy” surrounding the red cups at Starbucks infiltrate my Facebook newsfeed. Whether it is posts supporting the lack of Ch...Read More
I am currently reading Medieval Heresies: Christianity, Judaism and Islam by Catherine Caldwell Ames. Reading the book has me thinking about how membership in a religious group is constructed in regar...Read More
Salt Lake City, UT October 14, 2015 The folks here in Salt Lake City have been organizing for a whole year now, for this event. This time last year the rumors around town were finally confirmed when ...Read More
It was Erev Rosh HaShanah, the evening beginning the Jewish New Year. Guests were starting to arrive after services, and my apartment was filling up with the sounds of their laughter and the scent of...Read More
O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another. – The Holy Quran 49:13 I was born and raised in Pakistan, a country pred...Read More
It was raining at dusk. I decided not to ride my bike to the progressive Yom Kippur service on the Boston University campus. If I rode my bike, I would get too thirsty coming home and I wouldn’t ke...Read More
“Whosoever does righteous deeds, male or female, who has faith, to such God will grant a higher existence in the hereafter that is good and pure. They will be rewarded according to the best of their...Read More
Having grown up in the Catholic faith, death, dying, and mourning were always such surreal experiences. Although one begs to ask, what isn’t surreal about the entire process for anyone? It always fe...Read More
One “fold” on the Buddhist Noble Eightfold Path toward enlightenment is Right View. “Right view” is the skill of dissolving interpretations in favor of drawing closer to the reality of the wor...Read More
“Give your hearts, but not into each other’s keeping. For only the hand of Life can contain your hearts. And stand together yet not too near together: For the pillars of the temple stand apart...Read More