The history of Chanukah squeezes us between two competing narratives: one of idealization and one of consternation. The former encourages us to view Chanukah as a holiday of liberation, when the Macca...Read More
For the vast majority of my improvement since being diagnosed with ADHD, I have to credit drugs and therapy. However, learning Rabbinic texts has helped me understand the way my brain works--and the w...Read More
Inclusion of individuals with disabilities into the very fabric of our religious communities and congregations has been a passion of mine for many years. This stems in large part from the fact that I ...Read More
Weight. The very word is heavy, overweighted. Weight on my plate. Weight in my gut. Weight in my heart. Weight of the world. Heavy, heavy, heavy…it’s such a bad word. It’s something none of ...Read More
These past two months living in Jerusalem have been an experience of witnessing the struggle—in this city and in my own heart—between forces that seek to dismember us into discrete parts, and forc...Read More
While preparing for class recently, I read an article by Walter Brueggemann “The Liturgy of Abundance, the Myth of Scarcity” which takes a Christian theological analysis to the notions of abundanc...Read More
According to their own testimony, God has called Michele Bachmann, Herman Cain, Rick Perry, and Rick Santorum to run for President. God has even, reportedly, called Mike Huckabee to keep his cushy med...Read More
The story of Jesus healing a lame man in John 5:1-15 is repeated in church sanctuaries throughout the world. The setup reads like so many others: Jesus comes across an invalid. I would think Jesus, wh...Read More
Atheist lauders and pursuers of truth, integrity, and beauty can be none too careful. They might provoke or experience longings for the fountain of all Beauty, Goodness, and Truth. ...Read More
I have encountered many mitigating interpretations of the most painful texts in my Torah portion (Lev. 18:22 and 20:13), some more rigorous and thoughtful than others. However, academically and religi...Read More