Ramadan is in full swing, and even though I am not Muslim and do not observe this holy month as part of my faith tradition, I have a deep respect for my Muslim friends and neighbors and the intense sp...Read More
Managing Editor’s note: all Contributing Scholars begin writing by answering the following question as their first post: Why are you committed to building relationships with those from different...Read More
Recently I attended a meeting for atheists and agnostics. The primary purpose of the group, as I understand it, is to function as a community of support. To start the meeting everyone was asked to int...Read More
Berlin recently announced a project of the “House of One”, a building that includes a synagogue, a church, and a mosque under one roof. Furthermore, the building will include a space in the middle...Read More
In a time and a place and a planet in which the way we live, the way we see ourselves, the way we see each other, and the way we understand what we mean by culture, community, and civilization is unde...Read More
Managing Editor’s note: all Contributing Scholars begin writing by answering the following question as their first post: Why are you committed to building relationships with those from different...Read More
April is always a busy time for me because it’s Sexual Assault Awareness Month. In addition to counseling survivors of sexual abuse, I have been working with an Interfaith Collaborative that engages...Read More
As Esther Boyd discussed in her recent post, the Supreme Court’s Greece vs. Galloway decision upheld the constitutionality of sectarian prayers in legislative assemblies. Eric Rassbach, deputy g...Read More
After visiting the Holocaust museum in Jerusalem I must have been visibly upset. An Israeli woman who was part of our tour group, knowing my Jewish heritage, approached me to ask who in my family wa...Read More
Last week, religious freedom in the United States was at the center of two major court decisions, and the results have left many religious minorities feeling out in the cold. I am referring to the Sup...Read More