I preached this sermon at Oxford University’s Keble College during an Evensong service. The service was one of the last of the academic year and took place during final exams. I preached it less...Read More
Three words – Harold Camping & Rapture: Sound familiar? Last Saturday, May 21, 2011, as 6PM neared in all the time zones around the world, Facebook and cell phones were on fire with people a...Read More
In “The Death of Ivan Ilyich,” Leo Tolstoy scathingly wrote of a protagonist whose life was “most ordinary and therefore most terrible.” Such may also be said of the ruling put...Read More
“Because of such an attitude…Bahá'ís are often accused of holding aloof from the ‘real problems’ of their fellowmen. But when we hear this accusation let us not forget that those who make it...Read More
The fact that this question could be asked OUT LOUD to a GUEST of a Christian Church demonstrates a deep and pervasive understanding, in the status quo culture of the United States, that expressions o...Read More
I hope the above post to serve as an introduction to the contemporary life of the Bahá’í community; an evolving, learning, and growing community; a world embracing community; a community with clea...Read More
This whole “who am I/where do I belong” exercise has been fine for the last decade. I can wax theoretical with my peers, and at the end of the day, I know that it is only my own unresolved struggl...Read More
Are mega-churches more intimate than small congregations? Are atheists more superstitious or likely to believe in the paranormal than conservative Christians? Do many Americans believe some "non-relig...Read More
Now I lay me down to sleep; I pray the Lord my soul to keep. If I should die before I wake; I pray the Lord my soul to take. I sometimes pray that prayer before I go to sleep. My parents taught it to ...Read More
This post (the first of two) reflects on the fears and hopes that mark new beginnings. What is there to fear for a Christian on Easter morning? What is there to fear for a parent of a newborn child? W...Read More