Yesterday a committee within the Presbyterian Church (USA) recommended that the denomination officially divest (retract all financial investments) in three companies that profit from the conflict betw...Read More
If it’s true that more and more of us are no longer affiliating with a religion, and even those of us who do have limited knowledge of that tradition, how long will interreligious dialogue remain a ...Read More
In many congregations today, women’s groups function more like social clubs. Don’t get me wrong; I’m not against socializing. Some of the women’s groups I’ve seen offer valuable community to...Read More
Wellness is something that all people need, yet not all people take up the responsibility of wellness and self-care. We live in a society that looks for the fastest, most convenient way to function ev...Read More
A Google search of “Christian counterculture” nets almost 3,950,000 hits. While Youtube does not have nearly as many hits for that same phrase, there are almost 150 videos that I found expressing ...Read More
Last week I received a phone call from a random, unkown person. When I picked up the phone, this fellow asked, “Is this Karen Leslie Hernandez?” I happily replied, “Yes, it is,” and he proceed...Read More
A few years ago I was going through a very hard time. I said to my father, “I just want my dignity back!” My father, a Navy survival instructor, replied, “Jenny, no one can take away your dignit...Read More
Philosophy, religious or not, attempts to deal with the inescapable and fundamental question of the meaning of life. Why are we here? What is our purpose, if any? In my teens, I was engrossed by Jean-...Read More
I agree with the overall gist of Viktor Frankl’s Man’s Search for Meaning (1946) in the fact that we all desire, will, and create meaning in our own ways. I consider meaning-making a phenomenon f...Read More