“Mom, I’m hungry. Can I have your grapes?” “Sure,” I replied—even though I’d been counting on that handful of grapes to carry me through the next few hours until dinner. It was Day 6 of ...Read More
–“The Pharisees said, This man is not from #God, because He does not keep the #Sabbath” -#John 9:16 It was a Sunday morning in April when a man named Tagg uploaded a picture of his...Read More
This is the first installment in an ongoing series that will explore issues in spirituality through a review of significant symbolic motions, poses, and gestures from a variety of religious traditions...Read More
From the perspective of my parents’ union, I come from a long line of wealthy, middle-class, white Protestant Americans on my mother’s side, and Chicano Catholic farm and manual labor working-clas...Read More
Over the High Holidays, my rabbi asked our congregation to participate in a week-long Food Stamp Challenge—to limit our food spending to the equivalent of “food stamp” benefits, $31.50 per perso...Read More
Following the Great Migration of countless African Americans from the south to the north, many African Americans felt alone and without a proper community in the big cities. In the 1930s, a mysterious...Read More
At the risk of stating the obvious, it has occurred to me that some of us leading our own little interfaith efforts actually have no idea what it is we’re doing or what it is we’re hoping to accom...Read More
“Hold fast to the hope of God, all together, and be not divided.” –Quran 3:103 “Islam is simple,” the taxi driver explained to me as he drove me to the Center for Shariah...Read More
In my homiletics class, we have been reading various short stories to get an idea of different storytelling techniques to use in preaching. One such story was a first-person perspective monologue from...Read More