This month, the Jewish community is marking Jewish Disability Awareness Month, as it has since February 2008. Throughout February, congregations and communal organizations of all stripes will be holdi...Read More
It is disheartening to see that even in the 21st century many black church leaders still hesitate to approach topics of sexuality, in general, and homosexuality, specifically. I find it distressing th...Read More
I attended the 2009 Parliament of the World’s Religions in Melbourne, Australia. I was amazed by the preponderance of sacred fashion statements (the hats!), the number of New Age practitioners from ...Read More
The Freudian take on religion, that it is all about sex, or more precisely all about repressed sexual urges, is hardly new. Nevertheless, it was somewhat startling when renowned sociologist of relig...Read More
I was ordained on January 12. This may come as a big surprise if you happen to have followed my life in the last year (an egotistical assumption, I know. I’m barely following my own life). In fact, ...Read More
Last week I had the opportunity to take part in an interfaith prayer service to support my town’s re-elected mayor who would be inaugurated the following day. It was an incredible moment for fai...Read More
In her recent address to the Claremont School of Theology, Phyllis Tickle put on the table several key issues that must be addressed if the mainline church hopes to speak to the needs of those who are...Read More
This past week, The Jewish Daily Forward published an article entitled, “Online Ordained Rabbis Grab Pulpits.” This article profiles several synagogues who, in this difficult economic climate, hav...Read More
This article was first published at “The Bloviating Ignoramus,” a blog for politics and culture. I understand the Church of England’s stance against the ordination of women as an example of bl...Read More
The Place Where We Are Right by Yehuda Amichai From the place where we are right Flowers will never grow In the spring. The place where we are right Is hard and trampled Like a yard. But doubts...Read More