Every September college students confront a myriad of student activity organizations, each competing for student loyalties. While campus religious groups might be considered realms for quiet reflectio...Read More
In the summertime I visited Padua and went to the Scrovegni Chapel, dated 1305. In the past 40 years the frescos have begun to crumble, and curators have researched atmospheric problems in order to co...Read More
If you’re interested in religious education, service learning, or experiential education, you owe it to yourself to read Wayne Meisel’s suggestions on the questions that need to guide emerging rel...Read More
Each year we have the opportunity read the text of our lives differently according to the vowels we supply. Rosh Hashanah invites us to gently and lovingly bring ourselves back to God, the eternal mot...Read More
As I write this, the first of the Jewish High Holy Days, Rosh Hashana, is less than two days away—and (to paraphrase Rabbi Alan Lew), I am completely unprepared. The month of Elul, now rapidly comin...Read More
I helped my Muslim friends break the Ramadan fast at the home of Abdel, an Indian scholar of classical Islam who works at the Great Mosque in Rome to facilitate interfaith dialogue and to ameliorate I...Read More
This post is a continuation of Kicked Out, A Review: Part One I avoided reading Kicked Out for a long time. I didn’t quite know how it was going to sit with me, based on my own childhood. I was not ...Read More
Pulling together first-person narratives from current and former homeless and kicked-out queer and trans* youth,[1] Sassafras Lowrey’s (Ed.) Kicked Out (Homofactus Press, 2010) is an remarkab...Read More
The daughters of Zelophad, in last week’s torah portion, Pinhas, come to ask Moses to change the laws of inheritance. They are daughters of a son-less father. Based on preexisting inheritance la...Read More
In the wake of the celebration of the Supreme Court’s decision to strike down DOMA, it can be easy to forget what happened one day earlier – the nullification of the Voting Rights Act, which has p...Read More