I was just looking at this website of people who are the 99% of the American people, the ones hurting because of the wanton ways of the 1%. I am part of that 99%. I could make a list of my grievances,...Read More
We had learned English for quite a while already before our teacher pointed out the crucial differences between British English and American English. That was when “centre” became “center,” an...Read More
As a general unbeliever in God, spirits, immortality, and the human soul, there is much I disagree with in process theology. What I can agree with in process theology is what they deny. I agree wi...Read More
For many Jews, the Torah seems inaccessible. It is distant historically, culturally and linguistically. The Biblical figures seem far removed and unapproachable and the scenes and vignettes do not see...Read More
Out among the scraggly brush of the desert, the Sulha began at dusk and went late into the evening. We gathered together: Jewish and Arab Israelis, Palestinians, our small contingent of American Jews,...Read More
This Article was first published as A War Against Knowledge on Blogcritics. Writing in The Huffington Post, Nobel Laureates Desmond Tutu and Jose Ramos-Horta note: Freedom of education and freedom of ...Read More
Disgust. Shock. Outrage. Our country is in mourning. Our nation is truly lost. We are in a whirlwind of emotional upheaval, a roller-coaster of spiritual destruction. The lead up to the execution of T...Read More
It is no coincidence that moments of national crisis are often coupled with sharp increases in interfaith engagement. Laurie Goodstein wrote in The New York Times, “In the months and years after 9...Read More
Article first published as The Black Survivors on Blogcritics. How can you be sittin’ there Telling me that you care – That you care? When every time I look around, The people suffer in th...Read More
The news this week, like many recent weeks, has been full of stories of injustice, violence, misunderstanding, pain. As an American, there are plenty of stories within our national framework to choose...Read More