If on Rosh HaShanah we gain a picture of what can happen when we submit blindly to authority, Yom Kippur is our opportunity to choose another path....Read More
As a Capuchin Francisan Corps volunteer in Puerto Cabezas on Nicaragua’s Atlantic Coast, I had the remarkable opportunity to partner with the Christian Formation teachers at two Catholic schools, ev...Read More
This post is based on the poem “A Jewish Autumn,” written by Avraham Halfi. I studied this poem this week in the Hartman Institute Seminar for Rabbinical Students. It was originally wr...Read More
Many have heard me joke, “I have two religions: Judaism and Apple.” In Jerusalem last summer, I purchased a kippah with the “Think Different” Apple logo embroidered on its black, velvety surf...Read More
Last evening I ventured to City Hall in Austin, TX where a mass of people gathered for the Occupy Austin General Assembly which is being held each night until the actual Occupation on Thursday, Octobe...Read More
“I am fearfully and wonderfully made!” “I am fearfully and wonderfully made!” “I am fearfully and wonderfully made!” Two months ago I sat with a group of 40 South African teenage girls...Read More
Candles glimmer on the table and challah passes from hand to hand, the loaf dwindles and smiles grow, as the year of 5771 fades away and the new year brightens in our midst. I look back on a year that...Read More
At the hearing, I sat and listened. Underneath the noise, all I heard was fear, pain and loss. From union workers, I heard a steady litany of suffering: we need jobs; we need homes; we need to feed ou...Read More
The following was adapted from a sermon delivered at the United Church of Christ Alabama-Tennessee Association’s Fall Meeting at Howard Community Church in Nashville, TN. Based (loosely) on 1 Co...Read More