These past two months living in Jerusalem have been an experience of witnessing the struggle—in this city and in my own heart—between forces that seek to dismember us into discrete parts, and forc...Read More
The Occupy Movement has identified itself using the term 99%. On the face, this seems to present a permanent dichotomy between the 1% of richest people, and the 99% of the rest of us. Of course,...Read More
Sometimes, I’m not totally sure who I am. Not in the crazy, lost my mind kind of way. And not in the spiritual or philosophical kind of way either. What I mean is that I don’t always know how to c...Read More
I know it’s easier, when there are disagreements, to see the “other side” as completely wrong and “our side” as completely justified. But there is real danger in casting any conflict as a bl...Read More
The firebombing of Charlie Hebdo offices following its decision to run an edition featuring Prophet Mohamed as “guest editor,” is a sad reflection of France’s uneasy relationship to Islam and re...Read More
The participation of religious folk in the various “occupations” springing up throughout the U.S. is receiving increasing attention. Jonathan Oskins, writing for State of Formation, provid...Read More
While preparing for class recently, I read an article by Walter Brueggemann “The Liturgy of Abundance, the Myth of Scarcity” which takes a Christian theological analysis to the notions of abundanc...Read More
I was scanning through pictures of the Occupy Wall Street protest this week, trying to put this new movement in perspective, when two pictures caught my eye. The first was a Japanese man wearing a mas...Read More
Article first published as Out of Deep Love: The Lessons of Martin Luther King Jr. on Blogcritics. The recent dedication of the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial has inspired some to invoke his name in ...Read More
“How very good and pleasant it is when kindred live together in unity! (Psalm 133:1, NRSV)!” These words quoted by Rabbi Steven Morgan could not have been more appropriate a sentiment at s...Read More