Parashat Kedoshim (Leviticus 19:1-20:27) is read this week as part of the annual Torah reading cycle in the synagogue. As is the case most years, it is read in conjunction with the parsha or Torah por...Read More
The period of Counting the Omer (we count 49 days from the second day of Passover to Shavuot) in which we currently find ourselves is a reminder of the road between redemption and revelation. It seems...Read More
Our spiritual and religious stories have tremendous power. When these stories centre upon our personal relationship with the Divine (known to be ineffable, yet commonly referred to as God, the Godhead...Read More
For a long time I would cringe at the sound of the word “mission.” To me it represented the worst of the Christian tradition. I associated it with conquistadors and pushy missionaries, trying to ...Read More
On most days, if we’re realistic, the idea of religious tolerance serves only to usher a person just inside the other’s front door. It might, in the end, provide a sort-of, kind-of knowledge, but ...Read More
We are walking now. Together, in the wilderness, walking. It’s hot, and dry. Sometimes there’s no water, or the water we find has a bitter taste. We haven’t always known where our next meal will...Read More
Yehezkel Landau is a Faculty Associate in Interfaith Relations at Hartford Seminary. In June, 2002, I spent six days at a place that is holy for me: the Community of Grandchamp, a convent of Protest...Read More
This is my recollection of co-Founding the Journal of Inter-Religious Dialogue. Central to this effort was my co-Founder, Stephanie Varnon-Hughes. Without her, this project could never have taken shap...Read More
Writing about the emotionally sensitive topic of suicide within the context of religion left me somewhat perplexed and uncertain as to where I personally stand concerning the controversial act itself....Read More
There is a crisis of higher education in Dhaka. The crisis is deep-seated, and not based on lack of resources, technology, or facilities. The crisis is a failure of human potential – a failure t...Read More