The quote in the title above is placed on the lips of Sarpedon by Homer in The Iliad (Book 12, lines 326-327, c. 800-850 B.C.E., translated by Samuel Butler, 1898). It reflects the precariousness of l...Read More
I’ve been rejoicing to witness our US presidential election campaign narrative turning to economics, thanks to a contender with a background in the private equity business (or, vulture capitalis...Read More
Of all the things to which humans ascribe tremendous social and moral worth, the question of whether or not God exists is, to my way of thinking, one of the silliest. It’s silly because it doesn’t...Read More
The Shabbat before last was undoubtedly the best day my daughter Tina and I have spent together since I started my first job as a rabbi a few weeks ago. Saturday morning we took a walk together—Ti...Read More
“Daddy, can I get a bikini this summer?” my seven-year-old daughter asked toward the end of the school year. Sure, sweetheart. Could we stay indoors and watch episodes of Winnie the Pooh to recall...Read More
He only says, ‘Good fences make good neighbors’. Spring is the mischief in me, and I wonder If I could put a notion in his head: ’Why do they make good neighbors? Isn’...Read More
I am in the process of articulating how I can be both Christian and Jewish without being a “Jew for Jesus.” Many people hail from a smattering of religious influences and heritages. The current mo...Read More
The world is in bad shape and not in a metaphorical sense. No I mean the earth – the giant rock that we all live on – is in really bad shape. As of May 31, 2012, carbon dioxide readings ...Read More
This is a strange thing for a Sikh to confess. I used to be really intimidated by our scripture – the Guru Granth Sahib. I would feel unworthy sitting before the Guru, and I was absolutely terr...Read More
Here is a story about why deep thinking about religious pluralism doesn’t get you out of tight spots with actual people. The scene: I am at a Starbucks in San Diego sipping my giant American coffee ...Read More