My favorite place in the hospital is the lobby between the chapel and Dunkin Donuts. Every evening I look forward to passing into the open ceiling veranda, to elevator jazz-music, awaiting my coffee f...Read More
Last month, Discovery Channel launched a new TV series called Amish Mafia. It takes place in Lancaster County of Pennsylvania and purports to offer a behind the scenes look at a group of Amish thugs w...Read More
The end of 2012 was marred with the tragic events that took place at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut on December 14, 2012. While the community reeled with the shocking loss and th...Read More
Now that we have had some time over the holidays to reflect further and perhaps even find some meaning in the inconceivable meaninglessness of the tragedy at Newtown, we can begin to move towards a he...Read More
Originally published in the Milwaukee-Wisconsin Journal-Sentinel. After a white supremacist opened fire at a Sikh gurdwara in Oak Creek in August, significant media resources have been devoted to desc...Read More
When I got off the plane in Alaska I was excited to step into the cold walkway from the plane leading to the physical airport. I took a deep breath looking like a child visiting a candy store for the ...Read More
As my first quarter of graduate school comes to an end, I thought I would share a few things that struck me these past few months. I do not wish to make sweeping claims about the interfaith movement, ...Read More
The Chief Rabbi of the Western Wall claims that Women of the Wall "don't come to worship, they come to demonstrate." But what he chooses not to see is that separating worship from politics is a luxury...Read More
Recently I have been reflecting on a series of internal discussions that I have been part of within a Muslim email group. A lot of the argument has centered about the practice of halal certificati...Read More
No one knows what to say in moments like this. But we utter many things about God. Do we really mean these things? The divine love is not complicit in their deaths. The divine love does not call the...Read More