I used to be a “prayer warrior.” One youth group leader in High School cried after I prayed one evening. “I wish I could pray like you,” she sobbed. I sure knew how to talk to ...Read More
It seems as if the tragedies are coming so fast we only need bullet points now: Newtown; The Boston Marathon; Oklahoma. There are hundreds of incidents I could write between each one, like a brief out...Read More
When I was a young girl I used to ask my elders: why our lives were seemingly so enriched (comfortable) compared to others? Why did we have security, shelter, enough to eat, peaceful living conditio...Read More
Wolf Blitzer – prized journalist for CNN – made what some are affectionately referring to as a ‘teachable moment’ when he asked an atheist survivor (Rebecca Vitsmun) of the Moore, OK tornado:...Read More
Home is a concept that has little to do with a physical building, but everything to do with the emotional, psychological and spiritual space that we each occupy. We live in this space no matter where ...Read More
Welcome… What is “the matrix?” The matrix is the space that we as humans develop culturally. We are all human social beings, we are born into community, a world that exists beyond us...Read More
“On the Spiritual Road: Seeking Faith and Religion in the United States” is an exciting new Interfaith project that has started in Rochester, NY and may be coming to a city near you. Andrew Harris...Read More
Christian Scientists think of angels as bright ideas. Angels are moments of clarity and expanded consciousness, moments of fresh vision and creativity, broadened perspective, and infusions of loving i...Read More
(This is Part 3 of a 3-part series. See Part 1 and Part 2) OFFENSE Jesus was most recently portrayed in celluloid form by a Portuguese model with great hair. I’m talking about The Bible, a miniserie...Read More
During Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur we cast our sins in to the desert, freeing ourselves from their oppressive burden, unshackling our hearts and minds so that we can begin the year anew. Six months l...Read More