The daughters of Zelophad, in last week’s torah portion, Pinhas, come to ask Moses to change the laws of inheritance. They are daughters of a son-less father. Based on preexisting inheritance la...Read More
On June 21, 2013, NBC aired a story entitled: “Activists Say Goodwill Exploits Workers with Penny Wages”, about the practice in some, but not all Goodwill stores of paying workers with disabilitie...Read More
May 12, 2012 was a momentous day in my life. It was the day before Mother’s day – celebrating the woman who had been my mother for 21 years of my life, it was my cousin’s 22nd birthday, it was...Read More
Blog seeks to continue dialogue around Christians and interfaith cooperation Faith Line Protestants (FLP), a blog founded by Greg Damhorst and Cameron Nations, will re-launch after nearly nine months ...Read More
Camped out up the trail from his house in Eastern Kentucky, underneath a makeshift lean-to honoring Sukkot, Chad and I had one of our most personal conversations. In broad terms that are appropriate t...Read More
I was learning about compost. I’d never composted before, but a member of the church I serve informed me it was simple and that we should start a composting program at the church. I took him to ...Read More
When I was doing my graduate research in England, I shared a terraced house with two undergrads, one of whom I will call Phil. It was rather unheard of to see Phil before noon, but one morning he emer...Read More
June 20th 2013 is World Refugee Day as designated by the UN. Many places have identified this week as World Refugee Week as well. As someone who has worked with refugees and internally displaced...Read More
On September 11, 2012, some fifty masked and heavily armed Islamists attacked an American diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya. The compound’s staff was evacuated to another facility, but that fac...Read More
Pope Francis just blessed thousands of Harleys in Rome. Millions say a blessing over meals every day. And when we sneeze, there’s always someone quick to say, “God Bless You!” ...Read More