I am part of a group called Catholic RENEWAL, which seeks to act as a forum for progressive Roman Catholics to come together in fellowship and advocate for various causes, such as inclusion of women i...Read More
This is the first part of a two-part post. In “Man’s Quest for God”, a series of essays on prayer, Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel writes: “The Shechinah [Divine Presence] is in exile, the world ...Read More
During my year of service as a VISTA at Salt Lake Community College (SLCC), I served in the Multicultural Initiatives department. We have offices on two of the thirteen Salt Lake Community College cam...Read More
Humility can be elusive. There’s a fine line, I’ve been told, between being humble and being a doormat. I have heard people say that humility is important to get you through the door, but ...Read More
My two children have been raised Unitarian Universalist (UU). They both love and live their faith. They both also get frustrated at times. Over the years, we have had numerous conversations about wh...Read More
This past week, my stickler-for-the-rules seven-year-old son got in trouble at school for refusing to stand for and recite the Pledge of Allegiance. This refusal came not from a strong familial protes...Read More
This article was originally published on Newsweek’s The Daily Beast. Every April, communities across the world come together to celebrate Vaisakhi. For centuries, Vaisakhi has marked the spring ...Read More
I must admit that it is unusual for a Muslim woman to speak at a synagogue; hence no wonder that many people would want to know more about such a story. But for me, the invitation by Congregation Beth...Read More
One of my favorite parts of the Passover seder is the singing that takes place after we finish eating. There are so many great, fun songs, from “Ehad Mi Yodeah” to “Chad Gadya.” Perhaps my fav...Read More
In the United States, it’s common to hear frequent and impassioned references to the concept of ‘Judeo-Christian’ culture, ethics, or values. Any cursory review of American media wil...Read More